Saturday, November 28, 2009

Miracet Nicotene Craving Relief - Stop Smoking Aid

The trend toward no smoking has become almost a marketing frenzy. You see the ads on television and hear them on the radio. There are money-off coupons in your local paper for “stop smoking aid”. You might think like everyone offers the best product to help you quit smoking.

Most people who tried to quit feel they are lifesavers. While some say they are just a crutch and won’t lead to complete cessation. This is the reason why I feel like we need to talk about Miracet Stop Smoking aid that can help you kick the habit.

Miracet Ingredients

Miracet is made up of a combination of natural herbs that relieves a wider variety of withdrawal symptoms better than any other Nicotine Replacement Therapy product.

Abies Nigra (Black Spruce):
Made from tincture of the gum of the Black Spruce, Abies Nigra relieves hard cough, upset stomach (particularly after eating) and headache. Also useful for wakeful restlessness and nightly hunger pangs.

Aconitum Napellus (Aconite; Monkshood; Wolfsbane)
Genus of plant belonging to the buttercup family, Aconitum is an herbaceous perennial found in mountain meadows of the Northern Hemisphere. Calms anguish of mind and body, physical and mental restlessness, and has been used for dry, croupy cough, tickling in the throat and chest pain brought on with coughing.

Avena (Oat):

Creates a soothing action on the nerves. Alcoholic extraction has been used as a nerve tonic and to treat symptoms associated with opium addiction.

Nux Vomica (Poison Nut)

Aids in stress-related symptoms, calms hunger and sleeplessness. Fights food cravings.

Side Effects:

There are no side effects since this is an all natural homeopathic product that is why it is safe to use.

Natural Relief for Withdrawal Symptoms

When you have decided to quit smoking, ANTICIPATING the obstacles will give you more tools
to combat the difficulties that you will face.

PHYSICALLY, it’s going to be tough. Expect one or more of the following symptoms:
• restlessness
• irritability
• tiredness
• trouble sleeping
• difficulty concentrating
• feelings of frustration and anger
• dizziness (may only last 1-2 days in the beginning)
• depression and moodiness
• headache
• increased appetite

These symptoms can present themselves within a few hours of the last cigarette and peak 2-3 days after that. These symptoms can last for a few days to a few weeks. The withdrawal symptoms are your body’s reaction to being deprived of something its been used to having for quite some time. Be patient. They will subside.

This trying times is when Miracet Stop Smoking Aid will help you in your personal battle against your cravings. It helps relieve and ease the pain or discomfort so you will be successful in your desire to finally quit.


Miracet Stop Smoking Club

When you try out Miracet, you also get to be a member of an online support group called the Miracet Stop Smoking Club. You'll get instant access to exclusive information available to all members on how to battle the PSYCHOLOGICAL symptoms.

Stop Smoking Relaxation Audio

You will also receive a Stop Smoking Relaxation Audio MP3 Download. One of the methods used in helping people to quit is hypnosis. Smoking cessation is one of the most popular medical uses of hypnosis.

This hypnosis program will help you learn to deeply relax, be open to suggestions which will strengthen your resolve to quit, and increase the negative feelings toward cigarettes. You will receive this powerful mind programming technique.

1 comment:

  1. I am a smoker. after reading this article, I tried hard to get out of this health problem.

    thank you for your article about smoking is not healthy.
